Economics Of Attention Pdf
Author by: Richard A. Lanham Language: en Publisher by: University of Chicago Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 89 Total Download: 762 File Size: 54,6 Mb Description: If economics is about the allocation of resources, then what is the most precious resource in our new information economy? Certainly not information, for we are drowning in it.
No, what we are short of is the attention to make sense of that information. With all the verve and erudition that have established his earlier books as classics, Richard A.
Lanham here traces our epochal move from an economy of things and objects to an economy of attention. According to Lanham, the central commodity in our new age of information is not stuff but style, for style is what competes for our attention amidst the din and deluge of new media. In such a world, intellectual property will become more central to the economy than real property, while the arts and letters will grow to be more crucial than engineering, the physical sciences, and indeed economics as conventionally practiced. For Lanham, the arts and letters are the disciplines that study how human attention is allocated and how cultural capital is created and traded. In an economy of attention, style and substance change places.
The economics of attention Download the economics of attention or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get the economics of attention book now. [download] ebooks the economics of attention the economics of attention pdf some ways. Find this book as your chosen reading material that you really want to do.

The new attention economy, therefore, will anoint a new set of moguls in the business world—not the CEOs or fund managers of yesteryear, but new masters of attention with a grounding in the humanities and liberal arts. Lanham’s The Electronic Word was one of the earliest and most influential books on new electronic culture. The Economics of Attention builds on the best insights of that seminal book to map the new frontier that information technologies have created. Author by: Richard A. Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 2 Crack Serial. Lanham Language: en Publisher by: Paul Dry Books Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 21 Total Download: 816 File Size: 50,8 Mb Description: “A necessary manual for those interested in the perpetuation, and the possibilities, of good English prose.”—Harper’s Magazine “[Lanham’s] style is notable for its audacity, liveliness, and grace.”—The Times Literary Supplement “The most applicably provocative book on the subject of prose style available. Imperative reading for all teachers and students of writing.”—Choice This humorous and accessible classic on style calls for the return of wordplay and delight to writing instruction. Richard Lanham argues that many tomes on writing, with their trio of platitudes—clarity, plainness, sincerity—lie “upon the spirit like wet cardboard.” 'People seldom write to be clear.