Final Fantasy 1 Psx
• Summary: In FINAL FANTASY, the tale begins when four young warriors, each possessing a Crystal, are summoned to bring the world back to a harmonious elemental balance. During their voyage, they discover a nefarious entity has created turmoil in the structure of time in order to take control of the In FINAL FANTASY, the tale begins when four young warriors, each possessing a Crystal, are summoned to bring the world back to a harmonious elemental balance. During their voyage, they discover a nefarious entity has created turmoil in the structure of time in order to take control of the world, causing the heroes to travel to places they never imagined possible. This all-new anniversary edition contain the best treatment of the classic RPG and features all-new character art, updated graphics, new dungeons, full 16:9 widescreen presentation and an updated camera view that gives players a new vantage point.
[Square Enix]. I feel this this game is getting a bad rap. This is without a doubt the best remake of any Final Fantasy ever. Stunning visuals, a new I feel this this game is getting a bad rap. This is without a doubt the best remake of any Final Fantasy ever. Stunning visuals, a new dungeon and better music make this game a must play for RPG enthusiast's. Other than that it is very similar to the original, as you probably expect.

Nokia E72-1 Software Update here. If your a new comer to the series or if you could just go for some classic FF you will not be disappointed. I never cared for the original Final Fantasy in any of its previous incarnations, but I recently gave the PSP port a shot and I am so glad I I never cared for the original Final Fantasy in any of its previous incarnations, but I recently gave the PSP port a shot and I am so glad I did. This is the definitive version of the game, with design upgrades that make it quite nice to look at and extra dungeons that give the player something challenging to attempt. The story and gameplay works all the same, with just some basic tweaks such as set magic usages being replaced by the now commonplace MP system (which is a major improvement) and some names being adjusted due to latter entries in the series creating more popular names (ie: Life is now Phoenix Down, Imps are now Goblins, Ice is now Blizzard, Orbs are now Crystals, etc). This is a must play for any RPG fan and a must own for any Final Fantasy fans. Just be prepared to wander around aimlessly searching for hints as to what you're supposed to do next, as you often have to fetch a hidden item from some dungeon or town in order to be able to progress to the next section of the game.
Great game though, and a very fun/challenging way to kill 20-25 hours. Based on the original where the 'Final' fantasy sprouted, it is an update/remaster of the classic NES RPG. Story: During the time the Based on the original where the 'Final' fantasy sprouted, it is an update/remaster of the classic NES RPG. Story: During the time the original Final Fantasy was released there wasn't much narrative and story in most games and this still holds true to this remaster, while there is a story present, namely: the four Heroes of Light trying to restore elemental balance to the world, it is spread far and wide, usually leaving you searching for clues on where to go next, this didn't bother me, but people less patient as myself might be offset by this approach of story progression. Gameplay: This is where the game shines, while simplistic compared to current generation FF's, it is by no means bad, battles go well paced and you're always trying to get to the next town to increase your equipment or learn new white/black spells, the (over)world is well (re-)made with some extra dungeon's to boot, each holding a few new bosses from other Final Fantasy games. Graphics: It holds it's top-down view but has a tremendous graphical overhaul compared to the original NES version, and a far more crispier look then the GBA update, animations are smooth, spell effects are nice and the updated sprites for party members and monsters alike are everything you would expect. Music: Another high point, the songs are remastered and sound a whole lot better, with the new dungeons and bosses also comes new music from the games those bosses are from, I definitely like the improved Mount Gulg theme.