Lyon Text Font
Lyon Text & Display Lyon is a suite of contemporary reading typefaces for modern publications, loosely based on historical models of the 16th century punch cutter Robert Granjon. Lyon reflects our convictions about modern digital typeface design: A decisively digital outline treatment that reveals our modern repertoire of tools, and the typeface itself as a modern design tool, contrasts nicely with Lyon’s 16th century heritage. Lyon Text is a book and publication typeface that is heavily informed by how we ourselves want a contemporary text typeface to perform for our design work. Neither too coldly modern, nor overly historicising, Lyon pairs a certain generic unobtrusiveness with an attractive text image.

Lyon Text Roman was the centerpiece of Kai Bernau's degree project at the Type + Media course at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague, but was extensively.
Individual letterforms are drawn in a reduced, formally economic way, where curves and details had to be an integral element of the character, or would be removed. Pay Arrear Software Kerala here. Lyon Display takes cues from some of the largest styles Granjon cut during his ‘middle period’.