Spongebob Sandys Rocket
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Contents • • • • • • [] Info [] Characters • • • • • • • • Bikini Bottomites • • • (cameo, debut) [] Places • • • • The Moon • • [] Plot When Sandy creates a rocket and tells SpongeBob that she's going to the moon, SpongeBob begs her to take him with her. Best Vectorworks 2011 Mac Serial Number - And Reviews 2017. Sandy tells him that there's not enough room, and SpongeBob compacts himself so he can fit into a small container. Sandy explains that she needs all of the containers and drawers, and tells him that this trip is for science, not fun. SpongeBob keeps on begging her, and she eventually accepts to take him. SpongeBob runs around the walls chanting 'Going to the moon! , and annoys Sandy.
Sandy has small net guns that she uses to harvest moon rocks, and denies the existence of aliens on the moon. Patrick comes to SpongeBob in the night and gives him some 'Alien repellent' (for windows), and they go to the rocket to spray it.