Starcraft 2 Xatab
File Menu This menu comprises of the typical New, Save, Open options in order to be able to keep your work as you work on your Map, Mod or Project. Masterpieces Of Modern Soul Volume 3 Rarest. In addition this menu provides the ever so important Dependencies, Publish, and Preferences that will be explained further detail in this wiki. Edit Menu This menu has all the Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, options in order to be able to make some changes to your assets data or different selections on the map. View Menu This menu allows you to customize the interface of your StarCraft 2 Map Editor. The User Interface can be changed and modified through the various selections in this menu.
Everyone likes their buttons and selections placed a little bit different and can be changed around as you wish. (Also included is the Default UI option which is a necessity ) Render Menu Similar to the View Menu, the Render Menu allows the player to view the Map in a number of different modes ranging from Wireframe Mode, a number of Shader Modes, and also a few different Lighting Modes in order to view the map as if the player was playing their map in real time. Layer Menu The Layer Menu allows the player to change the Brush and Brush Properties on the left side of the StarCraft II Editor.