Warcraft 2 1.22 No Cd Patch

Blizzard Patches No-CD Support Into Warcraft III More. Give me a no-CD patch for Diablo II that doesn't lock into some weird windows API so that I can finally run. Warcraft 2 v2.2. Warcraft 3 v1.20b ENG PiXIE no CD Warcraft 2 v2.5 Warcraft 2 v2.3. No 12; reply; report. Add new comment. The last official patch for the Battle.net Edition of WarCraft II. Jun 09, 2010 I need a Warcraft 2 BNE NO CD patch, cause i wanna install it. 'download it onto your computer and copy the warcraft 2. Warcraft 3 1.22 patch.
They won't be able to add it to your battle. Beatnuts Forever Rar here. net account, because it's one of the games that are old enough where it cannot be added to a battle.net account, much like the original Diablo. If it's the original Warcraft II - the DOS version, not the Battle.net Edition - then I'm fairly sure there is no CD key required for it.
If it's the Battle.net Edition, that one does require a CD key. Warcraft II Battle.net Edition does function on new OSes. I've personally played it on Windows 8.1 with very new hardware and had no problems at all, aside from some minorly annoying UI anomalies with some dropdowns on the menus.
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