Wellbutrin Nicotine Patch
Bupropion SR (Wellbutrin/Zyban) is a prescription drug that helps people quit smoking or chewing tobacco. Bupropion SR does not contain nicotine and is not addictive. Placebo nicotine patch plus sustained-release bupropion. Participants will receive the sustained-release bupropion 150 mg tablet in the morning for four days. If this dose is well-tolerated, then the dose will be increased to a 150 mg tablet twice daily, with at least 8 hours between the two doses.

Forgive me if this isn't the right forum, but I can't think of where else to post something like this. I've been on Wellbutrin for about 2 years now, 150mg 2x/day. It solved my depression problem nicely, and hasn't really had any side effects I can see. Recently as part of an experiment (long story) I started using nicotine patches. Now I've never smoked, the smell of smoke tends to make me nauseous and very sick if I'm around it too long. However the problem isn't the nicotine, it's the other crap in the tobacco that gets burned.
Anyway, I almost immediately (within 1-2 days) noticed a side-effect. I couldn't eat as much. Now I've been slightly overweight most of my adult life. Generally if I get bored I get hungry, which has been a problem as long as I can remember. That went away, and I also get full much faster when eating anything. I also take much longer to get hungry again.

I started keeping track of this over the course of a month. On average I found I ate between 30-50% of the normal amount I would.
After the first week I switched from 10mg patches to 5mg since I was getting slight heartburn and insomnia problems. Since the switch to 5mg there have been no problems at all. I did not do any sort of regular exercise during this period. So far I've lost 9kg (20lbs) in 6 weeks. I know nicotine is known for being an appetite suppresant but I haven't heard of it being this strong. I'm wondering if it's an overlooked interaction between the two drugs. Most people who take Zyban for anti-smoking stop smoking quickly, plus cigarettes don't deliver a constant stream of nicotine over the course of the day, so it's not a constant effect.
I haven't been able to dig up anything at all online that looks at an interaction between the two drugs. No studies, no papers, nothing. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. I've found if I stop the patches for about 2 days my appetite returns. Stopping the Wellbutrin isn't really an option as I can barely function by the 5th day. But so far I don't see why I wouldn't maintain the lower weight indefinately as long as I keep using the patches just due to reduced caloric intake.
So, the question is, how do I go about trying to find someone interested in properly studying this kind of thing? There are a number of variables, such as do the two drugs work in combination on just anyone, or just people with dopamine-related depression? But I think it could be useful for people who are unhealthily overweight if the results I got can be reproduced.
What should I do now? Turnigy 6xs Manual. Buproprion is sometimes used as an aid for smoking cessation, so its interaction effects with nicotine have been scrutinized. One study I glanced at indicated that Buproprion assists in combatting the weight gain that typically accompanies quitting smoking.
I believe that people regularly using nicotine tend to go down an average of about 10 pounds. I see in this abstract that Buproprion is a dopeamine reuptake inhibitor, and as a matter of pure speculation I wonder if it disrupts the reinforcement pathways associated with compulsive eating.