Curl Devel Mingw Compiler
From: Peteris Krumins [Newsgroups] Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 05:13:08 +0300 Hi all! I decided to blog about how I am going to create an open source desktop application which downloads videos from various video sharing websites (like youtube, break, metacafe, etc.). I decided to use MinGW as a compiler for this application and libcurl for communicating over HTTP protocol. I just wrote a post on how I got libcurl compiled with MinGW.

The post is written in a very detailed manner and is suitable for beginners. The compilation process with MinGW did not go as easy as the INSTALL file says, and I believe that the information there is outdated for compiling libcurl with MinGW. Someone should update that portion of INSTALL. The article can be read at: If this URL is too long to click and is split in multiple lines, here is a tinyurl: What do you think about the article? Sincerely, P.Krumins Received on 2007-08-03.
Pokemon Heart Gold Rom Ze Patch Desmume Emulator. Tutorial – libCURL on Qt Creator with MinGW. Using libCURL on Qt Creator with MinGW as compiler can give. Assuming that you have downloaded curl-7.34.0-devel. Using LibCURL C++. Ask Question. Go to 'Search Directories' and under 'Compiler' link it to the path of your 'curl-7.24.0-devel. MinGW bin (if C. Filter For Photoshop Alien Skin Exposure 1.0 Serial more.
I have compiled libcurl using mingw32 and am trying to link it with my program using mingw32 for a Windows system from my Linux machine. I was outputted the files, libcurl-4.dll libcurl.a libcurl.lai. I have included them in my mingw32 libs folder at: /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib I was able to find a few other topics on linking with the libstdc++ and libgcc to take care dependency errors while executed but when trying to add libcurl.a it will not compile period. I used the following: $ x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ main.cpp -o hello.exe -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -static '/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/lib/libcurl.a' -lpthread However, I cannot not get it to use the libcurl.a and am continuing to receive these errors. Final Fantasy Xiv Offline Installer more.
Using LibCURL C++. Ask Question. Go to 'Search Directories' and under 'Compiler' link it to the path of your 'curl-7.24.0-devel. MinGW bin (if C.