Descargar Microsoft Update Windows 7

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Altera Usb Blaster Driver Windows 10. Although, one unhappy user found a way around the block so devices with next-generation processors can continue to get security updates for the older operating systems. That they needed to jump on the Windows 10 bandwagon. That didn’t go over very well, so Microsoft on.

However, the Redmond, Washington, giant stuck to its guns about forcing devices with the new processors Kaby Lake or AMD Ryzen onto Windows 10. The company said, “7th Gen Intel Core (Kaby Lake) processor family and AMD’s 7th generation processors (e.g.

Bristol Ridge) will only be supported on Windows 10, and all future silicon releases will require the latest release of Windows 10.” [ Learn about. Get the latest from CSO. ] When this month’s patches were released, Windows 7 and 8.1 users with new processors saw the below unsupported hardware warning: Your PC uses a processor that is designed for the latest version of Windows. Because the processor is not supported together with the Windows version that you are currently using, your system will miss the important security updates. That didn’t please. Zeffy dug into the March rollup updates and found a changelog that stated, “Enabled detection of processor generation and hardware support when PC tries to scan or download updates through Windows Update.” Zeffy wrote: Which is just Microsoft's nice way of telling everyone who'd rather keep using Windows 7 or 8.1 on their Intel Kaby Lake or AMD Ryzen systems to screw themselves. There have even been people with Intel and AMD systems from 2015 who have reportedly been locked out of Windows Update because of this! Driver Memory Stick Pro Duo Sony Windows Xp more.

Microsoft Windows 10 Update Fix