Sony Kdl-46z4500 Firmware Update
Sony has designed the BRAVIA® Televisions software update process to be customer friendly. This software update (version 2.06r) addresses issues experienced by some customers, including the following: • When tuned to some digital channels you may experience a brief (about one second) interruption of the picture and sound when the scene changes, between programs and commercials, or between commercials. Three Fold Brochure Template. This may occur during either programs or commercials. • White dots or sparkles intermittently appear on the TV screen when displaying the menu or playing a DVD. • The television freezes momentarily, then powers off and then on.
This can occur when the TV is tuned to a digital channel, or when auto-programming. Note: This issue only occurs with some broadcast channels due to incorrect formatting of service data on the channel. • Problems selecting an HDMI input on a CEC device using the XMB™ Menu. • Problems resolving the finest detail issue of some 1080i 60hz film-based content (mentioned in a recent PC Magazine article). • Intermittent audio on HDMI Input 4. Bs Player For Windows Xp Sp3 there. • Photo Mode issue that may occur when performing slideshow Butterfly - The same picture sometimes continually displays, and the slideshow no longer transitions through the other pictures. • XMB sometimes does not display.
Hey iroquois I was trying to create a post there @ dtvforum about this problem but was not able to insert new topic not sure.even though i am a member there too.i did read somewhere on that forum about sony's restriction in firmware for epg in oz.however since they offer firmware on the website I wonder what really prevents you running an american firmware that has no restrictions on epg.just a thought.i also think that firmware is not hard to install however i am scared doing it. I have a bravia 2years old, ever since new has lost sound requiring turn off turn on again, reported to Harvey Ns and told dont worry its local Bundaberg shithouse tv signal anyhow your covered by extended warranty. Not so lately now loosing channels which requires total re-scan, contact extended warranty people and told its a software problem so not covered by warranty, contact Sony, yes some of the Bravias have a software problem or fault from new, where do I go from here? Well office of fair trading unless the warranty people or Sony come to the my claim is the set was faulty from new. For all those wondering if you can use foreign firmware I tried using firmware from the Sony UK site (on my KDL40Z5500) and. No, it won't let you update it, says 'no applicable update data exists'. Or something of the sort, can't remember the exact wording.