Download Bosch Pst 54 Pe Manual Software

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Bosch Pst 54 Pe

Bought a jigsaw a bosch pst 54e how do i change the blade.thanks. But here is the link to get user manuals from Bosch in case you mistyped it. Nov 18, 2011 INSTRUCTION MANUAL for a 350watt Bosch jigsaw PST 50-2 need to change a. WANT TO FIND PARTS LIST FOR BOSCH PST 54 PE. A bosch PST 54PE. How To Delete The Clientregistry.blob File In Steam. Sep 23, 2009 bought a jigsaw a bosch pst 54e how do i change the blade.thanks. But here is the link to get user manuals from Bosch in case you mistyped it.

Bosch Pst 54 Jigsaw

Written on, 14:32 o’clock Hi, I really appreciate forums like this. I have also got a PST54E, and am struggling to fit a blade. It irks me that it's hard to find information about a top end tool such as a Bosch.

I appreciate that tools evolve, but it would be useful to have an archive with manuals etc available, as a quality tool lasts decades, and is worth quality support. Itil V3 Process Map Pdf on this page. Sorry about this, end of rant (just to add though, I have also a Black and decker jigsaw of similar age, inferior in quality and design, which I am using while my nicer Bosch sits in a drawer because a. The method of fitting a blade is obvious, b, it takes widely available blades). My question, can somebody tell me what blades are suitable for the PST 54E?

• 57 Answers SOURCE: There's an exploded diagram of a similar model. Don't let it confuse you though. I mention it, because it shows the clamp screw which hold the blade in place (35 on the diagram). Unplug the saw before you change the blade. In the handle directly over the blade there is a hole with a clamp screw at the bottom.

Use a long thin blade screw driver to loosen the clamp screw. Once the clamp screw is loosened, twist the blade about 90 deg and you should be able to pull it out (don't cut yourself, by accident) Put the new blade in with the same orientation and twist so the blades are facing the front of the saw. Tighten up the clamp screw and you're good to go. Be careful not to tip your saw over while the screw is loose. If it falls out and you lose it they're a bit of a nuisance to come. Posted on Jun 14, 2010.

• 1 Answer SOURCE: Pull up the knob on the front at the top of the machine and push the yellow bit forward. Theoretically you should turn the knob anticlockwise three turns but it doesn't seem to make any difference on my one. Then take hold of the blade, ease it forward and turn through 90 degrees. You should then be able to pull it out.

Replacement is, as they say in all the best manuals, a simple reversal of the procedure. When you are turning the knob clockwise this time it's supposed to click in place but my one doesn't do this and still seems to work. Best of luck Gavin Posted on Apr 10, 2009.

• 843 Answers SOURCE: I couldn't find that specific model number Bosch saw, but here is the link to get user manuals from Bosch in case you mistyped it. (It's a long link that wouldn't all fit here, so I had to put a carriage return in it) Or they may have a similar saw under a new model number. Here's the current model number of a very popular saw that has a less-than-obvious blade changing method 1587avsk Posted on Mar 05, 2010.