How To Apply For S.c. Sales Tax License Software
How, Why and Where to Get a Sales Tax Number by: Skip McGrath Most states charge sales tax on goods sold within their state. A lot of Amazon, eBay and website sellers seem to wonder why they need a sales tax number.
If you only sell a few used goods you buy at garage sales, I wouldn't worry about it. But if you sell several items a week, you probably should get one. Three Reasons for Having a State Sales Tax Number, also called a Resale Certificate or Resale Number • It's the law. If you sell goods on Amazon, eBay or the internet and ship them to someone in your same state, then you have to collect sales tax from the buyer and pay that tax to your state. For example, if you live in Virginia, and you sell something to someone else in Virginia or to someone out-of-state that asks you to ship it to someone in Virginia, then you need to collect and pay sales tax to the State of VA. But, again, if you live in Virginia and you sell the same item to someone in Florida, you can forget all about the tax. Download Moto Trial Fest 2 Hacked. (There are some exceptions to this that we will cover later) • You can purchase items without paying sales tax on them.
When you buy something that you plan to resell, you can purchase it without paying sales tax. But it must be for resale. For example, you can not buy a new computer to use in your office and not legally pay sales tax.

Licenses & Permits Covered. We also offer a wide range of software and services to assist with corporate licensing. Inspectors License: Sales Tax Registration. This permit lets you collect sales tax from your. Then you probably need to register for and get a sales tax license or a seller's. How do I apply for an. Streamlined Sales Tax Contested Tax Cases and Tax Hearing Decisions. Corporate Income & Franchise Tax; Privilege License Tax; Motor Fuels Tax; Alcoholic Beverages Tax.
But if you go on and buy a computer that you plan to sell on eBay, then you can buy it without paying sales tax. Depending on if your state charges sales tax on shipping, then you can waive sales tax on shipping supplies. • Most real wholesale companies require a sales tax certificate. Almost all legitimate wholesale companies will ask for a copy of your resale certificate (sales tax license) before they will sell to you at wholesale prices.
Besides wholesale companies, in most states you need it to open a commercial checking account. Many banks will require s sales tax number to open a business account.
In addition, every wholesale trade show and merchandise mart I have ever been to requires a copy of your certificate before admitting you. If your state does not charge sales tax, (Oregon and Montana for example) then it will probably issue some type of Business License that will serve the same purpose for showing banks and wholesale companies. Getting a sales tax number is very easy and inexpensive. You can link to any of the states below to get information on obtaining a sales ore use tax number. Most of the states allow you to apply online but a few will give you forms to download, fill out and mail in. For some reason links to government sites seem to change often. If one of these links doesn't work, simply type in