Sore Throat One Side White Patch

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There are many factors that can cause a sore throat on one side, including abscesses in the throat or tonsils, swollen glands, and infected nodes. Vocalizing excessively, through shouting, singing, or even speaking, can also cause problems. In some cases, dental issues, such as an impacted tooth, can be connected to single-sided throat pain as well, as can environmental factors, like exposure to harsh chemicals. Medical Causes Bacterial infections, such as strep, can result in a sore throat on one side. When bacteria invades the throat, it can cause the tissues to swell up and make them feel scratchy or sore. An infection in other parts of the head, such as in one ear or the sinuses, can also result in a sore throat on one side. Scrolling Text Software For Pc. Ear infections can irritate nerves connecting the ear and throat, causing discomfort in both areas.

Sore Throat Left Side

Mucus may drip from the sinuses into the throat when someone has a sinus infection, causing irritation on one side. Glands and lymph nodes around the throat may swell when the body is fighting off an infection. Many people develop swollen or tender lymph nodes on one or both sides of the neck when they are coming down with a cold or flu. While this is generally a natural response to common illnesses, it can cause pain on one side and difficulty swallowing.