Stereology Software
What is Stereology? Unbiased stereology is recognized in biological research as the best-practice method for quantitative histology. It is used to accurately quantify the number of cells, the length of fibers, and the area and volume of biological structures or regions. Stereology plays an important role in validating and rejecting experimental hypotheses. Kanye West 808 And Heartbreak Zshare Net. It is often used to help answer questions such as: • Is the number of cells in a region of interest in experimental subjects different than controls?
Advantages of Stereotopix. Download How To Hack In Diablo 2 Lod. Stereotopix™ will provide laboratories with an ultraflexible stereology software solution to support the requirements of research. Stereo Investigator, the most-cited stereology software, fully integrates with your microscope and comes with helpful technical and research support. Stereology is the three-dimensional interpretation of two-dimensional cross sections of materials or tissues. It provides practical techniques for extracting. Although it is possible to conduct a study without specialized stereology software, this becomes very difficult to actually perform at high resolution.

• Has the length of nerve fibers or blood vessels changed? • Has there been a change in volume of a region of interest? • How much of my region of interest has been damaged by an injury? Data and analyses obtained using stereology are more accurate than ad hoc quantitative analyses. Unbiased stereology uses systematic random sampling (a statistical sampling method) to unbiasedly select a representative sample of the region of interest. Then, researchers use a set of rigorously tested rules to mark cells and structures in each sampling site for quantification.
Other techniques for obtaining quantitative analyses of cell populations, such as counting cell profiles at the top of each physical section, or using automatic cell detection algorithms, yield inaccurate and biased results. Watch a webinar on Stereology Concepts and Probe Selection given by Dr. Dan Peruzzi and Dr. Susan Tappan. V By using unbiased stereology, researchers get unbiased, accurate and reliable data.
For this reason, many peer-reviewed journals require or recommend the use of unbiased stereology when quantifying cells or structures. The Stereo Investigator system for unbiased stereology has been cited in over 4,000 published papers, making it by far the most-cited unbiased stereology system in the world. In order to obtain the accurate results that unbiased stereology is known for, it is important to follow certain practices, described in the literature, during tissue preparation. MBF has Ph.D. Staff scientists who can give you practical support for all aspects of stereological experimental design—from the tissue processing stage all the way to interpreting the results. Additionally, MBF provides you with a host of expert stereological support that includes detailed software workflows within Stereo Investigator, extensive on-line documentation, videos and webinars. All of this is available to help guide you through the steps of a stereological study that are briefly outlined below.