The Un Global Compact Dilemma Game - Download Free Apps
Are you a creator? Sell your work, your way with Vimeo. UN Global Compact Dilemma Game. From INDEX: Design to Improve Life® PRO 6 years ago. Aug 22, 2016 Many Chinese companies are joining the UN Global Compact to. UN Global Compact Dilemma Game.
A Mobile Framework for Establishing Global Priorities The UN Global Compact Leaders Summit is the largest gathering of its kind. In 2013, more than 1,200 top executives from Global Compact companies and other stakeholder groups from around the world gathered to discuss corporate sustainability strategy at the highest level. Anigif.ocx Registration more. The event, chaired by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, established a framework for business to contribute to global priorities, such as climate change, access to food and water, women’s empowerment, children’s rights and jobs. Going Multi-Event What began as an effort to promote the UN’s PaperSmart guidelines at the 2012 Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum, evolved into an initiative that will impact many of the UN Global Compact’s meetings going forward.
Less-developed nations stereotypically know how to play the game. Chapter 9 Quiz25. Enforcing a global. The UN's nongovernmental Global Compact. Building Corporate Strategy at the UN Global Compact. Branded mobile event apps. According to the UN Global Compact. The winner received free admission to.
At Rio+20, event organizers went completely digital, cutting their printing costs by $15,000 by putting everything on a QuickMobile mobile app. Shortly after that event, QuickMobile announced its enterprise multi-event app, a self-serve technology that empowers enterprises to quickly create and deploy an unlimited number of customizable, branded mobile event apps. According to the UN Global Compact, QuickMobile’s new platform was a natural solution to service its four signature events while drastically reducing printing costs. The eliminated the need to print agendas, participant lists and other materials at Rio+20, while providing the flexibility to make last-minute changes and keep everyone updated before and during the event. Going mobile with QuickMobile further supported the Global Compact’s sustainability efforts and will assist with organizing future events. Built-in Social Media In addition to integrating Twitter directly into the app, attendee tweets posted through the app were pre-populated with the event hashtag #LS2013.
This simple and effective feature made it easy for attendees to tweet, while helping to raise broad awareness externally and increasing the event’s profile among media. On the first day of the event, 561 tweets were sent out about the event. On day two, the number of tweets surpassed 1,000. With a diverse group of participants ranging from CEOs and senior management to young professionals who are regular users of social media, the simplicity of the tool enabled everyone to use social media effectively. This change of habit and enhanced engagement throughout the event had a direct effect on the Global Compact’s social media presence. Gamification Drives Engagement The app’s gamification feature focused on utilizing social media and check-in activities to encourage participants to engage in different ways. Attendees earned points each time they checked in at sessions, visited sponsor pages, tweeted, or posted comments or questions.