Agenda Lotus Organizer Portugues

Contents • • • • • • • Status [ ] On 14 May 2013 IBM announced the immediate 'withdrawal and discontinuance of support' of Lotus SmartSuite, Lotus Organizer and Lotus 123. Version 6. Motogp 2006 Game Pc here. 1 was the last version. It supported,,,. And Windows 10 Versions [ ] Microsoft Windows [ ] Organizer was a part of Lotus SmartSuite, but was also sold as a single application. The latest releases of SmartSuite did not include the current version of Organizer; it was sold separately only.
Versions up to 2 were 16-bit programs. Later versions are 32-bit programs. Version File format Year Included in 1992 2.or2 1994 97 (3.1).or3 1997 SmartSuite 97 97 GS (4.0).or4 1997 4.1.or4 1998 SmartSuite Millennium Edition Release 9 5.or5 1999 SmartSuite Millennium Edition Release 9.5–9.8.x 6.0.or6 1999 2.12.or2 1999 Y2K Compliant, Free Distro for existing users 6.1.or6 2003 IBM OS/2 [ ] The first OS/2 version was released in 1998. Until then, the Windows 16-bit version had been used. The last version is 1.7 from 2001. Later revisions of SmartSuite did not upgrade Organizer, although some fixes have been made.