America Bc Barry Fell Pdf

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America Bc Barry Fell Pdf

This, to me, was a rather incredible book given its author's claims that North America was regularly visited by Europeans during the Bronze and Iron Ages. The focus is on the Celts, Celts ranging from the British isles to the Strait of Gibralter, Celts sometimes associated with Phoenician navigators.

The evidence for this claim is impressive. There are physical traces of three types. First there are the bronze items found in Amerindian burial sites. Tin supposedly not being available in useable f This, to me, was a rather incredible book given its author's claims that North America was regularly visited by Europeans during the Bronze and Iron Ages. The focus is on the Celts, Celts ranging from the British isles to the Strait of Gibralter, Celts sometimes associated with Phoenician navigators.

The Real Indian is the Negro aka the Blackamoor. America by Barry Fell}. Black People who were in America prior to the European invasion and colonization. AMERICAN COLONIZATION [Contacts] Please CLICK on highlighted areas for further detail. Ancient Settlers in the New World.

Winbuilder Projects. The evidence for this claim is impressive. There are physical traces of three types. First there are the bronze items found in Amerindian burial sites. Tin supposedly not being available in useable form in these areas, the bronze implies oceanic trade. Second, there are stone structures similar to ones on the European continent employed, apparently, for religious and calendrical purposes. Third, there are shaped stones, again with European analogues, most of which have an association with fertility magic. Fourth, and most importantly, there are the inscriptions on many of the stones and structures, most of which are in early the early Ogam script employed by the Celts.

In addition to these physical traces there are other, less tangible, ones such as similarities between European and Amerindian languages. Download Inventory Client Agency Planning Manual there. Profusely illustrated, this book seems to make a strong case for its main claim, though many of the details of interpretation are debatable. Most questionable are the translations of the supposed Ogam inscriptions. Early Ogam, like ancient Hebrew, displayed no vowels, so the reading of it is problematic. Since most of the inscriptions are short, context is of little help.

Here I think the author gets carried away, giving readings with a tone of certainty which the evidence doesn't sufficiently substantiate. The book reads like a story of exploration and adventure. The cracking of old languages and their stories have always been fascinating to read for me. Fell's careful steps in describing the celtic and phonicean explorations and settlements in America is exciting. His recounting the naval battle Ceasar faced in Gaul was spot on considering most people don't consider the Celts as having any type of navy.