Micro Focus Cobol Workbench
Migrating from COBOL Workbench COBOL Workbench was designed for developing applications for PC or mainframe, and also includes features for backward compatibility with much older Micro Focus products. Mainframe Express supersedes COBOL Workbench for developing mainframe applications. This chapter describes differences between COBOL Workbench and Mainframe Express that might require you to make alterations in existing applications that you are migrating, or to change familiar methods of working. The COBOL Workbench versions covered are V3.4 and V4.0.
These are functionally more-or-less equivalent - V3.4 is 16-bit and V4.0 is 32-bit, but this difference is not likely to be relevant for developing mainframe applications, since on your workstation you are interested only in the development environment. In this book, we make no distinction between V3.4 and V4. Norma Uni Iso 2859 1 Sampling. 0.

We generally use the term 'Workbench' to mean both COBOL Workbench V3.4 and V4.0. Certain self-contained areas of Workbench are covered in the separate chapters,, and. All other areas of Workbench are covered in this chapter. The following Workbench components have no equivalent in Mainframe Express: • Analyzer, Application Configuration System, Banner, Base Animator, Batch File Facility, Btrieve Support (Xfh2btr and Btr2xfh), Class Browser, Class Library, Co-MFS, Color, Communications Module (MCS), Data File Filter, Dialect Compatibility Tools (Convert3 and Convert5), GNT Analyzer, Hexedit, Interface Programs, Keystroke Macro, Linein, Menu Handler, Object Orientation, Setup (character), Screens, Source Comparison Utility (Diff), Structure Animator, Xilerator. A few components that you may have used in Workbench are not available from the IDE, but can be run from the Mainframe Express Command Prompt, which you start by clicking Programs on the Start menu, then Micro Focus Mainframe Express, then Mainframe Express Command Prompt.
Micro Focus technology bridges old and new, unifying our customers’ IT investments with emerging technologies to meet increasingly complex business demands.
Spongebob Sandys Rocket. Not all are supplied as.exe files - you use the run command to run those that aren't. For example, to run the Source Converter (module name MDECONV), enter: run mdeconv. Represents the component's command line, given in the online help or online books.
If you use one of these components a lot, you can add it to the IDE's Tools menu yourself. Click Customize IDE on the Options menu, then click the Tools tab and click New Tool to see how to do this. This section advises on what to use where a Workbench feature is not in Mainframe Express or has changed. Where we believe you can continue using a feature without change, it is not mentioned. This book does not cover enhancements.
Compile-time statements (BASIS, INSERT, DELETE) in COBOL to insert and delete source lines temporarily. Status in Mainframe Express: Included, but handled by a preprocessor not by the compiler itself. To migrate your application: You must use the PREPROCESSOR(BASIS) or P(BASIS) directive. Click Build Settings for. On the Project menu, then click the COBOL tab, then the Preprocess subtab. Put a check mark by Use additional preprocessor and directives, type BASIS in the field below it, then click OK. Character mode tools such as Editor and Animator included in Workbench for convenience of users familiar with earlier products. Hatsune Miku Project Diva 2nd Music there.