Sima San Diego Patch

M219 $8.50 M. San Diego Spirits Of Freedom. M201 $9.50 SIMA San Diego M239 $7.50 Tripoli LPH 10. Add $2.50 per patch for Shipping & Handling. USS Tarawa (LHA 1)General Characteristics Crew List Memorabilia Cruise Books Accidents aboard the Ship History Notes of interest Patch.
I was assigned to the Reserve Unit out of the Rock Island Arsenal Navy and Marine Corps Reserve Center 89 -94. Tokyo 247 A. I was the unit Storekeeper, SK2. I remember doing my two week active duty stints each year in San Diego. I remember being so happy at getting transfered to this unit since every one in the reserve unit was prior service veterans.
The previous unit was an all SK unit that had never served any time active duty except for training. I spent six years going to SIMA during my reserve time and had a blast. Comment by on January 15, 2011 at 4:50pm.
Battleship Space Shuttle Other Ship Patch's $6.50 Airantisubron 21 $7.50 American Flag $9.50 Amphibious Squadron 11 $9.50 Chief Petty Officer Initiated And Proud $8.50 Combat Systems Dept Persian Gulf '95 $9.50 Commander Amphibious Force US 7th $9.50 Commander Third Fleet PAC EX 89 $950 Consolidated Divers Unit $9.50 Cruiser Destroyer Group 1 Docklight 2.0 Crack on this page. ????? $10.00 Constellation B Group $10. Free Program El Paso 10059 Manual on this page. 00 Carl Vinson B $10.50 EX USS Robison DDG 12 (Greece) $10.50 HMCS Saskatchewan $10.00 HSL 49 Scorpions $10.00 HSL - 42 Untouchables Det 10????? $9.00 HMH 466 Wolf Pack $6.50 In Memory Of (Blank Area For Name)????? $9.00 Lake Champlain C657 $10.50 Joint Task Force Middle East Persian M219 $8.50 M.